welcome to mees bloggy i hopes yoo enjoy mees adventures as much as i likes havin dem :D

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Casey at da Iggy 500

as we all waits for Casey to haves hims surgery him has been out and about meeting new pals.
here are some new pictures of Casey at da Iggy 500, a wonderful fundraiser.
i hopes you all enjoy dem. i will add to dem as i gets more :)
Please consider donating to help Casey gets betta every little bit counts

hee hee sleepin on da job??
oh ya dats right he gots lots to do today!

hi der my wonderful friend
i knows dis lady!!
Casey gettin interviewed by a reporter him Famous!!
hee hee how many iggys in der?

dis a safe place for dem while da hoomans clean up

i sees you Casey in der!!
hee hee Casey you in an Iggy Box

i sees you!

him says were my binkie at? hee hee