welcome to mees bloggy i hopes yoo enjoy mees adventures as much as i likes havin dem :D

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Donn from Tennessee

mees homeless friend Donn from Tennessee
today mommy went to da produce store and her saw Donn again!!
her went ups to Donn and said hi to him! him remembered her and
him told her him could neva forgets da red head wif da red truck who helped him last time.
hee hee her waz very flattered!

dem chatted for a while and her asked him if him needed anythin
and him said no. well mee mom said "don't worry Donn i find yoo somthin"
dem excanged names but him doos have a hard time rememberin names so
mom told him to rememba da Red Lory Bird since her a red head him thought him could remember.
him knew wot a red Lory waz him so smart!!
even doe mom don't spell her name dat way it ok :)

Red Lory
so mom told Donn to wait for her till her waz done shoppin and him said him would.
her finished her shoppin and came back out to greet Donn.
mom didn't knows Donn didn't haves no teef so her had bought lots ov fruit
for him but him said him couldn't chews it :(
but her also gots him a soft loaft ov bread and a can ov pop open soup for him
to have noms for dinner tonight. oh and mom gaves Donn a new lighter for hims cigarettes to light wif!
him waz so very grateful! but him told mom him don't need her to give him things
every time her sees him, most ov all him just wants to have a friend.

 dem talked and talked and talked and him told her abouts hims family
dat him haz, but dem don't see him it very sad.
him waz very proud ov hims childeren and said dat dey waz all
very well off. dis makes mom sad doe because why dey abandon him?
her doesn't know and her didn't ask it not her place to question Donn about
how him got to dis dark place. maybe one day him tell her but it wouldn't
matta anyways cuz her would neva judge him.

dem talked abouts tattoos and dogs and God
da important stuff! BOL!

one thing dat made mees mom very sad waz dat him haz so much trouble
livin on da street. da Po Po iz always nasty to him and him can only stay on da sidewalk if 
him steps off hims in troubles. mee iz aloud off da sidewalk even! :(

if only more would be more carin and compassionate to da homeless da world would
bees a better place. dey hoomans! deys real peoples wif lives dat are
just as important az anyone elses. dat wot mee thinks.

one thing mom noticed when dem waz talkin was da looks
ov disgust from passer buys. it very sad how some view da homeless it very sad indeed.

so mee thoughts and prayers go out to Donn and to all da homeless hoomans
on da earth. pray for dem keep dem in your thoughts when yoos warm 
in yoos house wif full bellys.
say hello to dem yoo may just make der days a little brighter.

thanks yoo xoxo

Thursday, February 14, 2013

da homeless bicycle man....

as mommy went about her shoppin and daily chours today, her met a homless man.....

on her way out of da produce stand her noticed him standin along da bulidin for it waz rainin and him was
der stayin out ov da rain.

her loaded her car and quickly got inside to gets out ov da rain.
her sat for sometime lookin out at da man wonderin wot hims life would bees like.

inside her her begain to fill up wif emotions as her watch so many walk by him and look away.
as her sat der her wondered wot it would bees like to not have a home, for mee and Gino and daddy to
not have a home. dis made her feel so sad for dis man.
who i might say neva once asked anyone who passed him for anythin.

mom grabbed an apple out ov her bags and dug a dollar from her purse and got out
ov da car.

as her approached da elderly man him seemed to withdraw from her.
but her approched him anyway reassurin him wif a smile, and as her handed him da apple and pushed da dollar into hims hand, her held hims hand for a moment and her asked out loud dat God be wif him and watch ova him always.

as mom turned around to head back to da car da man smiled and said God bless yoo child to mees mom.

mom returned to da car her was overwhelmed wif emotion, emotion for all da homeless
hoomans in da world.

next time yoo see a homless hooman dont forget dem is real peoples, dem had families once
dem maybee haz children and once had anotha life otha dan da one yoo see now.
take da time to say hello when passin please don't look away from dem. dey are real, dey are part ov humanity.


Monday, February 11, 2013


gosh i sooper embarassed to bees bloggin about Christmas dis late 
but i wanted to shares wif yoo all mees Christmas day!

Christmas mornin waz sooper pawsome! wee gots up sooper early and did open
pressies straight away!

Gino and mee say Christmas iz da best time ov da year!!

sillly daddy him gots a watch dat all him eva wants him easy to shop for  hee hee :)
mom doos have good taste dat for sure!
here bees mee openin mees pressies! i doos it all meeself!
i gots a big snake!!!!
Gino waz really not luvin dis Santa Suite him waz mad BOL!
and wee gots an HONKTAPUS!!!!
Gino really tooks a likin to dis honktapus him was shakin it and squeekin it!!
den it attacked him!!!!!!! it wrapped all around him and squirted its ink!!!!!
wee was very supprized by dis and den i had to shows dat Honktapuss hoos boss
i shook him and shook him till him realized dat mee and Gino waz da boss ov him!
now him nows hims place dat for sure!

thanks for sharin dis wif mee! I sorry it so late but really it
Christmas every day at mees house and every day da spirit ov Christmas bees in mees heart!
luv yoos xoxox
