welcome to mees bloggy i hopes yoo enjoy mees adventures as much as i likes havin dem :D

Friday, November 2, 2012

Iggy Play Date

so da otha day me and Gino's wents to an Iggy Play Date
at da park neers our house it was sooper fun and we gots 
some great pics yay!

everyone was havins so much fun!

hee hee der was lots ov big Iggy's der!

der Gino makin friends yay!


mom fell in luv AGAIN!
mom say lucky dat iggy has a foreva home! oh boy!

ders me makin sure der no zombies around!
Gino met a GIRL!!!
dey was togetha da whole time!!
her was sooper cute!
major sniffins goin on dat day!
ders me standin guard again, i hasta watch out for dees Iggy's!
 so dat woz me day at da park wif me brofur Gino
we had a sooper time and can't waits till dey has
anotha one close by again yay!


  1. Hi pal. I was just reading about your mom. Sorry she has the ET. That's no fun either. M has Parkinson's. The two diseases are very closely related. M would like ot compare notes with your mom some day soon. ladycat3.04@gmail.com

  2. Hi Vincent! Love your blog, heard bout your mom really sorry sending paw hugs. Dolly

  3. thanks yoo Dolly, i sooper glad yoo likes my bloggy. thank yoo for da paw hugs for me mom i give dem to her right now muwah! xoxox
