i did hangs out wif me auntie Jacki and her small hooman child Allison
we did do playins at home and den wees went down town Dunedin and
wee did lots ov walkies and sniffins and wees.
dem hoomans did all gets some ice cream cones too! but me and Gino didn't gets none
which i thinks was quite rood!
but on our walkies wee did meets some nice hoomans from da UK
and dey was talkin lots wif mom abouts der rescued Greyhounds and
how much dey missed dem while dey was gone, but i thinks dey really liked
me and Gino and maybe seeins us made it easier on dem
so dey didnt miss der hounds so much.
*says awwww*
it was a sooper few days and i luvs me aunti and her hooman child very much!
last time dem was here i hid in da bedroom most da time cuz i was
quite scared of da small hooman child, but dis time i actually let her give me belly rubs!
normallys i doos charge a $1.00 a peace for dees belly rubs but
dat day i gaves dem out for free!
normallys i doos charge a $1.00 a peace for dees belly rubs but
dat day i gaves dem out for free!
hee hee dont tell no ones doe cuz i doos have a rep to protect!
Gino on da otha hand gives out all hims belly rubs to everyone for free
him haz yet to learn da value ov a dollar!
him haz yet to learn da value ov a dollar!
luv yoo aunti Jacki and Allison
thanks yoo for comin to visit me and Ginobagadonuts!