Ingrid |
dis iz very hard post for mee to write today......
normally da words flow from mees paws but today it not so easy.
as most ov yoo knows our wonderful freind Ingrid haz made her jouney
to bees wif Jesus. mommy say Jesus needed Ingrid der in heaven and dat mee hasta
undastand dat one day wee all hasta goes live der in heaven wif Him.
her say dis iz da natural order ov things.
but mee not undastand. all mee knows iz dat her gone and mees princess
Daffy haz her mommy no more.
one thing mee mom told mee waz dat da most important thing to Ingrid
waz dat Daffy bee taken care ov when her goes to heaven, and her will bee.
Daffy iz gonna bee livin wif Dana!
Most everyone in da whole world knows Dana, her iz one ov da
kindest most luvin hoomans dat eva walked da earth!
her will bee a great new mommy for Daffy!
but mee will miss Daffy on twitta, mee will miss her so much.
her waz mees princess........
and no one will eva be able to see life through her eyes like auntie Ingrid did.
Ingrid and Daffy |
one thing mee knows iz mee will neva forget dem, togetha dem
brought so much happiness and side splittin giggles to twitta
dat sometimes mee would fall ova wif laughings.
wee shared so much togetha, wee had adventures and even a date!
Daffy and mee on our date |
but az Ingrid moves on to sit at da feets ov Jesus,
Daffy moves on to anotha chapter in her life.
a place where mee iz happy to say mee will still be able to
hear about her and how her iz doin.
mee happy about dat!
now to explain to yoo da impact dis whole thing haz has on da Anipal
community iz somethin yoo couldn't even imagine.
love for dem pours from all corners ov da world.
so many iz sad and filled wif loss dat mees own pain seems selfish at times.
mee hasn't been on da twitters much lately, only because mommy say
it to hard for her to helps mee write durin dis sad time.
Ingrid and mommy waz very close, dem emailed everyday
for years. but for da last few month az Ingrid became more sick
it was less and less........
mommy knew.....her explained to mee dat heaven waited for Ingrid and
dat all wee could doos waz be here for her az long az her needed us.
mommy looks back and remebas all da dreams and secretes dem shared and her
smiles....her smiles because her will neva forget da stories and da travels through da life ov her freind.
it doos remind her ov a song by Jimmy Buffet a song Called He went to Paris....
not only waz Ingrid a wonderful freind but also a talented writter and poet and buisness woman.
dis bee one dat haz been shared many times wif da anipal community.
dis poem iz a troo treasure!
mee doesn't have a poem yet az mee normally doos...
mee needs to make it a happy poem filled wif luv and life and right now mee just
doesnt haves dat in mee....
but mommy wanted mee to share da last letter her wrote to Ingrid
dis letter waz written da day before auntie Ingrid went to heaven.......
I want you to know I love you so much, I am so happy to have been your friend. My life is richer for knowing you. I don't know if you will get the chance to see this but I pray you do. I pray for you every day. I think of you all the time. :'(
Listen to me, No matter what happens don't be afraid. Jesus, whenever He is ready will take you into His Kingdom, a Kingdom so full of love and wonder, a place we all long to be someday. You will never be alone, you will never be in need.
I don't want you to leave, I have so many more things I want to tell you and share with you. If I don't get to talk to you before Jesus takes you, I will see you someday, for the first time, but we will find each other! :'(
I pray.......
Dear Jesus our Lord and Savior, watch over Ingrid, please let her find peace by your side. Please grant her humble wish to one day touch your cloak and look onto your face, dear Jesus please I pray may her journey be gentle and filled with peace and love. May her troubles be eased and may her be able to rest in your great white light.
I love you my friend forever and always. One day we will meet, one day I will take your hand and we will run through the fields of heaven like children, we will laugh and play. One day.... and then we will both know what it's like to live in His Kingdom.
Always and forever
Lori, Vincent, Gino and Michael
love you........
a special song for Ingrid.....